MXC Shift Responsibilities

NB: Times refer to "Date Time Created" on PACS

NB: Please adjust accordingly for long weekends and stat holidays

Table of Contents

Grace Duties

Primary Onsite Radiologists (2)

  • 10 Outpatient CT (3 combo NCAP/CAP/NC) - Do these chronologically from the CT new list
  • 15 Outpatient US – Do these chronologically from the US New List
  • If not enough outpatient CT or US cases use conversion to reach total cases
    • 1 Combo CT = 2 CT
    • 1 CT = 2 US
  • Radiographs from 2100 evening before until 1630 current day (use RAD1 and RAD2 lists)
  • STAT CT starting 2300 evening before until 1630 current day (use RAD1 and RAD2 lists)
  • STAT US day of until 1630 (use RAD1 and RAD2 lists)
  • Please read any PE Scans or DVT ultrasounds or other urgent studies as requested on same day (OK to go out of order for these)
  • Fluoroscopy work list
  • Phone calls: 0800-noon, noon-1630 based on alphabetical order by last name
  • Procedures should be done by person best able to do them

Note: CTA Bilateral Leg Runoff, CTA Carotid/COW, CTA Dissection (Full CAP) count as two – Still go chronological

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Misericordia Duties

Primary Onsite Radiologist (1)

  • 28 outpatient CT (4 combo NCAP/CAP/NC) - Do these chronologically from the CT new list
  • 20 outpatient US – Do these chronologically from the US new list
  • If not enough outpatient CT or US cases use conversion to reach total cases
    • 1 Combo CT = 2 CT
    • 1 CT = 2 US
  • Radiographs from 3 PM the prior day until 3 PM same day
  • Any STAT requests until 1630

Note: CTA Bilateral Leg Runoff, CTA Carotid/COW, CTA Dissection (Full CAP) count as two – Still go chronological

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Concordia Duties

Primary Onsite Radiologist (1)

  • 10 Outpatient CT (2 combo NCAP/CAP/NC) - Do these chronologically from the CT new list
  • 12 Outpatient US – Do these chronologically from the US New List
  • If not enough outpatient CT or US cases use conversion to reach total cases
    • 1 Combo CT = 2 CT
    • 1 CT = 2 US
  • Radiographs from 1200 AM to 1630 (1630-2359 prior day read by Mis Screen & Outpt from prior day now read by Westwood)
  • STAT CT starting 2300 evening before until 1630 current day
  • STAT US day of until 1630
  • Please read any PE Scans or DVT ultrasounds or other urgent studies as requested on same day (OK to go out of order for these)
  • Fluoroscopy work list

Note: CTA Bilateral Leg Runoff, CTA Carotid/COW, CTA Dissection (Full CAP) count as two – Still go chronological

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Outpatient Helper Shift

  • 15 total CT (6 combos NCAP/CAP/NC)
    • Check St. Boniface for combo cases first and go in chronological order
    • If 6 combo cases are not available read additional outpatient CT cases
      • EG. 5 combos available – read 2 additional CT (1 Combo = 2 CT)
    • Remaining 9 CT cases
      • 3 from each of Grace/Concordia/Misericordia and go in chronological order on CT new list
      • If 3 cases are not at a site, go to another to hit total
      • If 9 outpatient cases are not available – read additional combo
      • EG. 7 outpatient cases only – read 1 additional combo
  • 10 total US cases
    • Divide between sites and work in chronological order
  • If not enough CT or US make up difference from the alternate modality (1 CT = 2 US)
    • EG. Only 8 ultrasound available – read 1 extra CT
  • If not enough outpatient cases between all sites, hit number by helping with STAT cases at busiest site on day of help

Note: CTA Bilateral Leg Runoff, CTA Carotid/COW, CTA Dissection (Full CAP) count as two – Still go chronological

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  • St Boniface Clinic/Westwood Clinic/Riverview/Deer lodge XR/HKI
  • Read 2 CT combo cases (prioritize St Boniface) in chronological order
  • Read Concordia radiographs from the prior day (COH OP XR NEW list)
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Brett Memauri

  • Read outpatient CT performed on weekend at Grace/Misericordia/Concordia
  • Remaining CT divided amongst the week to get to 120 total CT – Do chronologically (of these 2 combo cases (NCAP/CAP/NC) per day worked
  • Read US cases done on the weekend at Grace/Misericordia/Concordia
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Call Procedures/Responsibilities

Effective January 1, 2025

Evening shift

Reads inpatient/emergency:

  • x-ray at St B and Grace (15:00-21:00 on weekends and STAT days; 17:00-21:00 regular weekdays)
  • CT at Grace and St B (17:00-23:00)
  • US at Grace (17:00-23:30)
  • US at Concordia (last spot 22:15-23:00, tech leaves at 23:45)
  • CT at Concordia (17:00-23:30 – tech working until 00:00, could have studies 23:30-00:00)

City wide CLOSE Shift (Weekdays not including statutory holidays 1630-1700)

  • St B: inpatient/emergency CT, x-ray
  • Grace: inpatient/emergency CT and ultrasound, x-ray
  • Conc: inpatient/emergency CT and ultrasound

Resident provides coverage for Grace and St B CT/x-ray 23:00- 07:30, while evening shift person provides back-up as necessary. Evening shift person is on call for Concordia and Misericordia for the rest of the night.

X-ray shift (Weekend/STAT)

  • Inpatient/emergency CT at Grace and Concordia from night before (23:00-08:00)
  • St. B and Grace x-rays 21:00 the night before until 15:00
  • Concordia x-rays from the prior afternoon/evening until 15:00 (NB: read the COH CR New list starting 1630 on Friday or equivalent day. Leave the outpatient x-rays done on Friday found on "COH Out patients CR new" list, which are to be read on the following Monday by Westwood)

Day shift (Weekend/STAT)

Reads inpatient/emergency:

  • CT at St B (23:00 night before until 17:00)
  • CT at Grace and Concordia (08:00-17:00)
  • US (8:00-17:00) at Grace and Concordia

CT Orbits service at Misericordia

  • Weekdays until 19:30 – tech on site
  • Weekends stat holidays: 08:00-23:59. The ophthalmologist pages the radiologist to request the study. The radiologist then calls the switchboard at (204) 774-6581 to have the technologist paged.

NB: residents provide no coverage for Grace US or Concordia – techs will page if studies are left unread

NB: Times refer to "Date Time Created" on PACS

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